There is an inextricable link between feelings of stress and feelings of being unable to cope with the hardships of life. After all, if you had a dependable set of coping mechanisms at hand, you would unlikely feel the levels of stress to which you are probably accustomed in your everyday life.
The good thing about coping mechanisms is that they have a sort of carryover effect: if you grab the bull by the horns in one area of your life, you have tapped into a resource that will work wonders in other areas of your life.
This is evident when we hear sportspeople of all stripes saying things such as how being able to run that distance or ride that wave helps them to achieve clarity and confidence elsewhere; when we hear Toastmasters saying that their new found public-speaking skills have been a lifesaver in so many ways; and when we hear first-aid students and survival students saying that they feel as though they can conquer the challenges of life, no matter what.
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