Are You Frustrated Because Your Graphics Are Not Looking Professional? Have You Been Slaving Over Your Projects, But Find Yourself Not Getting What You Want From Your Generic Graphic Software?
The Complete Guide to Finally Understanding Photshop is here! In this report, you will discover the following:
11 tools that are used the most in Photoshop
What palettes are used for, Putting images in Photoshop
What does dpi stand for
What suffixes are used when creating saving an image file
When to use the .jpg, .gif and .psd suffixes and more...
More information that you will learn in this report includes:
* How layers are used in Photoshop images
* Why it’s important to create a copy of a layer when creating an image in Photoshop
* What happens when you edit a layer
* How to create a new layer
* How to get rid of a layer
* How styles interact with layers
* What adjustment layers are used for