In this video series, I’m going to show you how to properly set up this smart sales funnel so you can sift the serious buyers from the non-serious buyers!
While using the 80/20 rule, did you know that 20% of your buyers bring in the majority of your sales? That’s not to say that all your buyers are not important.
But that 20% of your buyers are what we call your serious premium buyers. Folks who are often action takers and want to buy almost everything in your funnel (assuming all your one-time offers and upsells help them achieve their end desire).
If you think about the impact of this common mistake, the results show themselves in low engagement and a low retention rate of buyers. So if you’d like to know how to setup your sales funnel to achieve this goal in finding the “diamond in the rough” buyers…
Here's a list of this 9 part video series in more detail: