10 Clickbank Hop Ad Builder Video Tutorials


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10 Clickbank Hop Ad Builder Video Tutorials

Product Description:

Make Money With Clickbank Hop Ad Builder!

If you are a ClickBank affiliate, then there is good news for you. ClickBank has released a fabulous new tool called Hop Ad Builder. This tool or widget lets you create AdSense type Text Ads or a Tabbed Ad Box for ClickBank products which you can display on your Web site or blog.

With these ads you will not be paid per click but per sale when someone buys a product.How much you earn per sale varies with different products but expect anywhere from $10 to $50 on average in most niches. This new tool is nice because for awhile the only way you could accomplish this was with a paid piece of software. Now its free fro the good people at ClickBank. So if you have AdSense sites that pay out very low or were banned from adsense these maybe a good alternative for you. I think they will do great in the weight loss and make money online niche. You can choose the size and color of the ad boxes and then copy the code into your website. If someone then clicks on your ad and buys a product from that site, you can earn up to 75% of the sale!

These 10 Clickbank Hop Ad Builder Video Tutorials guide to use Clickbank Hop Ad Builder!