Karate is probably the most effective method of unarmed defence and counter attack ever devised by man. The practitioner depends solely on the deadly efficacy of their trained and toughened bare hands, elbows, knees and feet. The benefits to be gained by Karate go far beyond the purely physical.
The experienced practitioner of the martial art attains a high degree of physical and mental awareness. Karate helps with the development of a strong character and builds a feeling of respect toward our fellow man. The study of Karate, therefore, is valuable to all people, male and female, young and old alike.
This huge 191 page manuscript packed with 196 easy to follow illustrations will show you all you need to know about humiliating your enemies and being afraid no longer. No complicated Japanese terms in this book, just plain, simple to understand English terms. So you don't have to know the difference between a Makiwara and a hachichidachi. You'll know exactly what to do and more importantly, when to do it!