Twitter Traffic


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Twitter Traffic

Product Description:

Brevity. It’s what’s hot on the web right now. You have a split second to grab your target audience by the eyeballs and pull them into your lair and if you can’t manage to do it, you’ll be back flipping burgers or cutting through cubicle mazes in no time.

How often do you get frustrated with Google AdWords because you have to sit and brainstorm a clever way to use 25 characters to capture your audience? And you’re paying for that, too! For those of you wanting to get your feet wet with web 2.0, but who don’t have the time it takes to set up lenses on Squidoo, profiles and bulletins on MySpace, or other extensive content on social networks, Twitter may be just what you’re looking for.

Because Twitter is a new Web 2.0 service, it’s changing daily. As the Twitter "powers that be" discover how users are using (or in some cases abusing) their system, they’re choosing when to close loopholes and when to embrace them as features.

Here's a Free 17 Page Report From Brendan O'Hara!