If you run any sort of blog, website or business online and you want to find opportunities to grow and to increase your turnover and profits, then you need to make sure you're on LinkedIn and that you're making the most of it.
Of course you probably know how important social media marketing is in general and chances are you're already investing time, money and effort into managing your presence on Facebook and Twitter. Or at least you certainly should be if you aren't already...
But LinkedIn? That's a much smaller social network and most likely you're thinking that it belongs much lower down on your list of priorities. You might even be asking yourself why LinkedIn marketing specifically deserves an entire book dedicated to it...
So what's going on then? Well, the point that many people miss is that LinkedIn is not about sheer numbers. Rather, LinkedIn is about who it gives you access to and how you can use that to expand your business. LinkedIn actually offers huge opportunities and advantages that other social networks just can't match due to the way it allows you to interact with highly influential individuals within your industry or niche.
LinkedIn is different from other social networks for one big reason: it's designed for businesses and it actively encourages self-promotion. This is entirely different from Facebook for instance which encourages you to only add people you actually know to your list of contacts.
On Facebook, the pages for businesses is an afterthought at best and any serious attempt to promote yourself might be seen as spam and result in punitive measures. LinkedIn on the other hand is a tool for self-promotion.
It gives you access to a gigantic network of contacts operating within your field and it gives you the means to reach them, to work with them and to be seen by them. They say that business is all about 'who you know' and LinkedIn is all about making sure that you 'know' the right people.
Inside this report, you are about to learn some of the following information: