It is very important as you are creating feature films to understand what your enemies are. Aside from the obvious things like technical difficulties, you need to be aware that there are other problems that you can encounter which will adversely affect your budget, and possibly hurt your film as well.
Knowing in advance what these problems are is critical to making sure that you are successful even if the problems appear. Your budget will always be prone to problems, but your worst enemy is likely right in front of you and you are just overlooking it.
If you stop and think about the various aspects of your budget, you are probably thinking about salaries, and equipment plus perhaps even location fees and permits. These are all aspects that can eat at your budget, but because they are accounted for, they generally do not hurt you too badly.
The biggest threat to the budget will be those expenses that are not accounted for. This can include anything that you forget to include, which will undoubtedly be extremely expensive, no matter how minor it might seem.
One such example of an unexpected expense could be a damage charge. If you have rented equipment that has managed to be damaged somehow in the shoot, you can look forward to a charge for the damage. Additionally, if you are late returning the equipment you can look forward to a late charge being added onto the rental.
This can often be as much as 100% of the rental costs, which will really impact your budget. Looking to curb these expenses obviously means you need to stay on time for your schedule, but it also means taking very good care of the equipment that you have rented. Learn more inside this amazing article package.