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Green Living

Product Description:

ARE YOU READY TO GIVE BACK TO OUR PLANET AND START LIVING GREEN? It Has Never Been Easier...or More Important...To Start!

Over 85% of Americans are concerned about the environment, but only a small fraction know where to begin.

If we want to go down the road to helping and caring about our environment then at some point we have to begin!

What is holding you back? I know what held me back. The unknown.

I had no idea where to even start. I didn't even have a good grasp of what is good for the environment and what is bad. I am not stupid, I know things like burning fossil fuels is bad. I know wasting electricity is bad, but I didn't know a lot of basic things.

I didn't know a shower can save water versus a bath. I didn't think of shutting the water off as I shave. I didn't realize that eating locally has such a positive environmental impact.

This simple guide had enough information to help me jump start my new Green lifestyle. It taught me enough little tricks that I started reducing my carbon footprint immediately once I was done reading.

If you read this guide, you will learn things like:

  • What is Living Green
  • Why is it Important
  • Recylcing
  • Precycling
  • Water Conservation
  • Keeping Your Kitchen Green
  • Keeping Your Bathroom Green
  • Keeping Your Bedroom Green
  • Green Eating
  • Green Clothing
  • Green Transportation