Gain An Unfair Advantage In The Booming Self Help/Personal Development Niche!
I am a certified self help junkie! But this not a cry for help ?
I’m actually proud of it and so are the millions of other rabid consumers in this market. You see, the way I look at it is that there are VERY few investments that are worth more to me than the development of my mind.
Because we humans are such complicated beings with virtually unlimited potential… personal development is something ALL high achievers consider a lifelong “hobby”. (Yes I said hobby because studying self help and personal growth is more like a game than it is work for us junkies).
This means there will ALWAYS be a market for self help content.
The self help market was one of VERY few to experience growth during the recession of recent years.
In fact here are some stats about the Self Help market today…
From a marketer’s standpoint, here is the kicker…
Personal development/Self Help content is in massive demand and is relevant even to NON Junkies!
How so?
Take any market or audience who is striving for improvement, high achievement and greater results and they ALL want and NEED inspiration and motivation.