Motivational Reading Modules


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Motivational Reading Modules

Product Description:

Are you among those individuals who have considered time and time again but just don't know how it all works?

Stories have tremendous might in terms of recall.

You’ll discover this from all the research is that there is. What will be remembered are a few compelling stories that you hear. And those will guide you when you need motivation – which, by the way, is much of the day.

Story telling is an ancient art, but we should not underestimate its effectiveness as a learning and motivational tool.

In this report, you will learn about:

  • Why motivation matters
  • Centered awareness
  • Motivational stories
  • The benefits of audio
  • The benefits of uplifting material
  • Many other useful things

This audio contains:

  1. Butterfly - about struggle
  2. Kindness - about treating people well
  3. Encouragement - about encouragement from others
  4. Controlling Anger - about keeping your temper
  5. Adversity - about overcoming hardships
  6. Consequences - about the way we handle what life throws at us
  7. Images, Instant Download, MP3, Script

The goal should be to manage your emotions in such a way that you are able to best leverage your physical and mental resources.

It's time to get moving toward developing success in your self growth!