Ask most pet lovers, and you'll learn that no expense is too great when it comes to caring for their pet. And among pet owners, dog owners seem to care more deeply about their pets than any other group.
For this reason it's all the more sad when there are health problems with dogs, because they can’t tell you what the problem is.
One of the most important things to learn about caring for your dog is which food is healthy and which is harmful. Sometimes ingredients that seem harmless can actually hurt your dog. As a responsible dog owner, you need to understand which food items you should avoid, why dogs need a different diet at different ages, whether expensive dog food is really worth it, how to know how much and how often to feed your dog, and how to look for signs of food allergies.
Also important to your dog's health is exercise. Learn to watch for signs of boredom and lack of activity, and why that could hurt your dog's health.
In addition, there are many more things you will learn from “Caring for Your Dog,” such as: