Get Introduced to the World of Oil Painting by the Masters!!!
Attention All Oil Painting Enthusiasts!!! Before You Get Started Let Experts Teach You about Origin And Basics of Oil Paintings!
To be a master in the field, get the 'Perfect Introduction' through the ace oil painters themselves. The ebook 'Getting Introduced To Oil Painting' contains concise and impactfull chapters that will give you the perfect introduction to the world of Oil Painting. The highlights of the ebook are as follows:
* Brief history of oil painting Get to know the story of invention
* Introduction to oil painting mediums What is linseed oil and what are the different forms?
* Benefits and disadvantages of using linseed oil as a binder
* Using alternatives oils as mediums
* What are the things required to get started in oil painting
* Tips for beginners in oil painting
The ebook will give you acquaint you with the basics of oil painting. It gives you a fair idea about the origin from where the oil painting technique has been developed. It also helps you to understand in detail about the different binders used in oil painting. This would help you in creating a proper understanding about the main requisites for oil painting. It gives you a thorough knowhow of oil painting.