But How The Heck Do You Do It Right To Get More Money, More Buyers, And More Attention?
Recent studies by Nielsen Mobile indicate 97% of people with a mobile/cellphone will read an SMS (text) message within 15 minutes of receiving it; 84% will respond within 1 hour.
Now given the fact that globally 6 billion people are estimated to have access to a mobile phone and 97% of them are reading the texts virtually right away – do you start to build a picture of why this is the most preferred form of marketing today?
Look at how many people you can target and with the very low price of a text (with some companies or contracts it’s FREE!)
– So you are basically getting a free regular ad campaign. In contrast, imagine your email inbox – do you read every advert or marketing title and opportunity that flashes up there?
Mobile marketing has been proven to be more effective than the radio, T.V., newspaper, telemarketing and direct marketing.
Here’s some of the things you’ll learn in the book: