Retire Without Money


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Retire Without Money

Product Description:

Discover Why Quitting The Rat Race Can Be One of The Most Rewarding Experience of Your Life By Making Your Life Full!

Possibly the word retirement means different things to different individuals. If you mean by retirement a life of complete withdrawal from the world and no activity beyond a 24 hour day loafing, then you need read no further because I can't help you.

The only manner in which to achieve this, so far as I know, is to inherit a sizable fortune and I doubt that the average reader of this book has done so. I might mention that such persons, who have retired in this manner, are seldom happy. I have met them all over the world, and they are seldom happy.

You can retire, whatever your age, if you wish. I did and I am not more than an average American. I had an average education and have no more than average intelligence. I don't particularly have the "gift of gab" and am certainly not a slick article.

The acquiring of a lovely wife and children, brought home to me the necessity of a more settled existence than the one I had enjoyed so many years abroad. But I found no need of a return to a humdrum life and what amounts to slavery.

I am currently writing and selling books by mail and on the internet and make sufficient income to enjoy life here in our own country with a minimum of effort.

I plan to retire soon, in or near, Palm Springs, California —a paradise in many respects. Perhaps I'll will find myself in Mexico, Europe or the Far East at some point.

One thing is certain, I will never come out of retirement. The Contents of this eBook:

  • Why You Should Consider Retirement
  • Where to Retire
  • When to Retire
  • Retiring on a Small Income
  • America's Bargain Paradise
  • America's Art Colonies
  • In Your Own Home Town
  • And so much more...