How You Can Get Loads Of Other Marketers To Promote Your List, Without Paying Them A Single Cent!
Just about every marketer on the Internet will tell you that if you want to succeed online, you must have your own newsletter or mailing list.
The problem is that building a decent size list through your own site requires a lot of traffic. If you don't get much traffic, it'll take a very long time to recruit enough subscribers to make serious money from your business.
This solution is called a 'Joint Venture' or JV. With a JV, a small group of newsletter publishers agree to promote each other's newsletters.
You promote your JV partners' newsletters to your subscribers, in exchange for them promoting your newsletter to their subscribers. Everyone gets more subscribers and all at no cost.
This leaves you stuck with not promoting an ecourse (and losing the money you could make) or typically losing over half your subscribers before they even make it onto your list.
JV List Builder offers you an alternative, by instantly building forms for you allowing your subscribers to subscribe to up to 10 different autoresponders, each with a separate checkbox.
Start Your Own Highly Lucrative Joint Venture Now!