As many of you know already, Article Marketing has been around forever. For those that don't, you should know about it. Even complete beginners can use articles to drive huge amounts of visitors to squeeze pages or sales pages.
This isn't going to be your typical Article Marketing guide though. I'm not going to regurgitate the same information that you have read countless times. I have a “unique” way that I use articles that is a bit on the “dark” side. I don't do anything illegal or break the Terms of Service for any websites, but I do drive a ton of traffic with articles almost instantly with very little effort on my part.
If you can put aside pretty much EVERYTHING that has been told to you about Article Marketing and read and implement these methods with a clear mind, you will get massive amounts of traffic.
We are going to completely skip the fluff and get right into how you can completely dominate EzineArticles on many levels. Doing so is going to get you more traffic than you have ever gotten from your Article Marketing efforts in the past.