You can make a lot more money with a lot less effort by simply offering something with a greater price tag … in this case, your own coaching program.
It just takes fewer transactions to reach a significant profit level.
When you grab your copy below below here are a few things you'll learn in this quick read...
* 3 different ways to start your own coaching program including one method that you can get started using TODAY with nothing more than a salesletter in place.
* The "ultimate coaching model" that you'll probably think "it can't be that easy, no one will pay for that" at first glance ... until you see how 50 students pay me $197 per month!
* Why coaching isn't simply "trading your time for money" in fact, as I disclose in this report, many pay for coaching and rarely even interact with their coach.
* A super easy way to use "other people's content" for YOUR coaching program ... I actually learned this amazing technique when someone used MY content for THEIR coaching program! (Completely "legit", I might add.)
* My sneaky method of launching a coaching program EARLY so you can get paid much quicker than ever before ... in fact, I'll give you TWO ways to take this shortcut!
* A big, big mistake that most people offering coaching programs make (especially those launching their FIRST program ... although I have seen "pros" do this too!) and how you can avoid it with one little "change".
* A 5step, process for becoming a C.O.A.C.H. in your own highticket coaching program ... includes a simple "overview" blueprint for establishing your program.
* Your #1 best option for "running" your coaching program ... this "blows away" what most people are using with their coaching and will simplify (and greatly improve!) the ease and success in which you conduct your interaction with clients.